As a psychic art detective, you must determine which painting is a forgery. You have harvested 12 clues from the thief's psychic memory in the form of textual and aural thoughts, and small visual memories. Unfortunately, psychic detective work is difficult, and you must decrypt each memory before using it eliminate the non-forged paintings. Each clue you decode helps you narrow down the forged painting possibilities - like Guess Who. You will likely need to decode more than one (but not all of them) to make a guess.  

Controls: Mouse, Touch (mobile isn't well-tested yet), and keyboard hotkeys:

Arrow Keys: up/down changes active slider, left/right moves the active slider

Tab: Cycles through different clue modes

A/Z: Cycles through the different clues within a mode

Q/W: Cycles through the different paintings.

Space: Plays the audio clip when in audio mode.

<>: Adjusts volume.

?: Toggles Autoplay for audio clues on or off.

Work-in-progress plan:

-Improved UI for multiple resolutions. Currently optimized for 360x640 (9:16)

-A time limit to pressurize the situation a bit. This might lead the player to only having time to evaluate some of the clues and then needing to make an educated guess.

-Better looking UI, and menu polish like button clicks

-An option to record where your subjective "best" slider values are. Or a text readout of each slider's position so you can make an analog note in the real world.

-More cases. Making cases is actually pretty fun! I have a bunch of themes already in mind.

-Cleaning up or changing the Painting selection mechanism. Maybe you need to walk around an art gallery to observe candidate paintings? Or maybe the player is just sitting in front of an old-school projector screen?

Art Credit: 

The National Gallery of Art's free collection of painting.

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